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Our Values

We are a 100% Quantitative Asset Manager.

Scientific Rigor

We employ the scientific method to support decisions and innovations. Our approach values experimentation, critical analysis, and continuous validation in our processes.

Market Understanding

The Financial Market is dynamic, and we know very well that theory can be different from practice. By understanding the market, we are capable of creating better models.


Our algorithms and processes are 100% automated. There is no sentiment when entering and exiting the market. Technology allows for strict risk control and processes.

ASQ Team

Antônio Correia



One of the founders of Trapezus Asset Management, one of the first Quant asset management companies in Brazil, which was incorporated by Bozano Investimentos, where he was a partner and responsible for the quantitative funds area and manager of the Bozano Quant Fund.

Holds a Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics for Finance from the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA) and a BSc in Electronic Engineering from the Military Institute of Engineering (IME).

Sergio Eraldo Salles



Sergio Eraldo is the CEO of Cia Bozano, Legend Capital, and was one of the founders of Crescera Capital (formerly Bozano Investimentos). Additionally, he is also a member of the Boards of Azul, TreeCorp, and Grupo Alfa, and Committees of Embraer and Crescera Capital. He holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), a Master’s degree in Administration from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ), and a BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Brasília (UNB).

Sergio is an investor partner and chairman of the board of ASQ.

Christiano Lo Bianco



Has 11 years of experience in the finance industry working as a Research Quant at Banco BBM and as a Quant Portfolio Manager at Itaú BBA.

He holds the CGA ANBIMA certification, a BSc in Statistics, and a BSc in Production Engineering, both from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

Leonardo Oliveira, CFA


Head of Quant Allocation

Has 15 years of experience in the financial market. He worked in credit risk at Itaú and Itaú-BBA, as a strategist at HSBC, and as a portfolio manager at Bradesco.

He holds the CGA ANBIMA certification, a BSc in Economics from the University of Brasília (UnB), and an MSc in Economics from the School of Graduate Studies in Economics at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (EPGE/FGV).5

Pedro Cunha


Head of Algorithmic Trading

Has 9 years of experience in the financial market, working in asset management with proprietary algorithms.

He holds a BSc in Economics from the School of Economics, Business, and Accounting at the University of São Paulo (FEA-USP).

Deo Carlos



Has 7 years of experience in the financial market, primarily working with quantitative models in securitized credits at BTG Pactual. Additionally, he has developed various systems ranging from embedded computing, servers, to graphical interfaces for the companies he has been involved with over the last 7 years.

He studied Mathematics at UFRJ and IMPA and has been approved at Level II of the CFA.

Rian Koja


Quant Researcher

Has 9 years of experience in the Aerospace sector, working in R&D of algorithms and software development.

He completed a Master’s degree in Space Mechanics and Control at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) and graduated in Aerospace Engineering from the Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA).

João Candido



Has 8 years of experience in software development, including 4 years at Giant Steps. Primarily worked with real-time systems, embedded computing, and big data.

Holds a degree in Computer Engineering and a postgraduate degree in Machine Learning and Big Data from the University of São Paulo (USP)

Fábio Dantas


Funds Operation

Studies Production Engineering at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, has worked as a manager at Poli Júnior, and has experience in automation algorithms and process optimization.

ASQ Capital Team

Antônio Correia



One of the founders of Trapezus Asset Management, one of the first Quant asset management companies in Brazil, which was incorporated by Bozano Investimentos, where he was a partner and responsible for the quantitative funds area and manager of the Bozano Quant Fund.

Holds a Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics for Finance from the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA) and a BSc in Electronic Engineering from the Military Institute of Engineering (IME).

Sergio Eraldo Salles



Sergio Eraldo is the CEO of Cia Bozano, Legend Capital, and was one of the founders of Crescera Capital (formerly Bozano Investimentos). Additionally, he is also a member of the Boards of Azul, TreeCorp, and Grupo Alfa, and Committees of Embraer and Crescera Capital. He holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), a Master’s degree in Administration from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ), and a BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Brasília (UNB).

Sergio is an investor partner and chairman of the board of ASQ.

Christiano Lo Bianco



Has 11 years of experience in the finance industry working as a Research Quant at Banco BBM and as a Quant Portfolio Manager at Itaú BBA.

He holds the CGA ANBIMA certification, a BSc in Statistics, and a BSc in Production Engineering, both from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

Leonardo Oliveira, CFA


Head of Quant Allocation

Has 15 years of experience in the financial market. He worked in credit risk at Itaú and Itaú-BBA, as a strategist at HSBC, and as a portfolio manager at Bradesco.

He holds the CGA ANBIMA certification, a BSc in Economics from the University of Brasília (UnB), and an MSc in Economics from the School of Graduate Studies in Economics at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (EPGE/FGV).5

Pedro Cunha


Head of Algorithmic Trading

Has 9 years of experience in the financial market, working in asset management with proprietary algorithms.

He holds a BSc in Economics from the School of Economics, Business, and Accounting at the University of São Paulo (FEA-USP).

Deo Carlos



Has 7 years of experience in the financial market, primarily working with quantitative models in securitized credits at BTG Pactual. Additionally, he has developed various systems ranging from embedded computing, servers, to graphical interfaces for the companies he has been involved with over the last 7 years.

He studied Mathematics at UFRJ and IMPA and has been approved at Level II of the CFA.

Rian Koja


Quant Researcher

Has 9 years of experience in the Aerospace sector, working in R&D of algorithms and software development.

He completed a Master’s degree in Space Mechanics and Control at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) and graduated in Aerospace Engineering from the Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA).

João Candido



Has 8 years of experience in software development, including 4 years at Giant Steps. Primarily worked with real-time systems, embedded computing, and big data.

Holds a degree in Computer Engineering and a postgraduate degree in Machine Learning and Big Data from the University of São Paulo (USP)

Fábio Dantas


Funds Operation

Studies Production Engineering at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, has worked as a manager at Poli Júnior, and has experience in automation algorithms and process optimization.

Investment Philosophy

Our investment philosophy integrates three fundamental values: the application of the scientific method, the use of advanced technology, and a deep understanding of the market. These pillars form the basis for identifying Alpha in the financial market. We employ cutting-edge technology, covering both statistics and mathematics as well as information technology, to maximize the value extracted from the market. Our portfolio management is conducted through automated algorithms that execute market entry and exit operations. Investment decisions are made entirely systematically, grounded in the scientific method.


We have several models and robots that make investment decisions, entering and exiting the market. They are orchestrated by robust allocation and risk control systems. All management is carried out through well-defined processes, leaving no room for sentiment in the investment moment or discretionary decision-making. The scientific method is replicated in internal processes that are controlled and monitored by algorithms.